Jose David Lopez Geraghty
- Never stop learning
- You are the programmer, you write the program and you run the program
- The program of your own life
Career Summary
Began self-taught computer programming at 15, focusing initially on web development before transitioning to backend and server-side technologies. Enrolled in Software Engineering at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, benefiting from exceptional instruction and delving into Linux and software development. Extensive research into Linux and server operations has fueled a strong interest in servers and microservices. Currently employed at a tech company, actively applying and expanding knowledge in this domain. Right now I have 3+ years experience among these fields: Business intelligence, support and operations, server management, front & back development, AWS.
Why would you want me in your organization?
- My work is not perfect but I work very hard to make the next iteration better than the current one
- I make mistakes, but I admit them and work to fix them as quick as possible
- I have my goal clear: Help people making their tech live easier with a transparent process
- I am a fast learner
- I believe I can achieve anything as long as I dont cheat on my values
- I am a dreamer in the sense that I believe possible what others assure that can't be achieved
Cloud Developer - DevSecOps (2023-now)
I have recently started working on the R&D department of my company as Cloud Developer
What I am working on:
- Learning AWS Cloud components & infraestructure. Analysis of the best component per use case
- DevSecOps workflow, being involved in every step of the process.
- Lambda function building with Go, Node and automating deployments with SAM
- Frontend development with ReactJS
What I learnt
- Git
- Go
- Lambda functions
- Aws Api Gw
- Vs Code
Support engineer (2022-2023)
I have had the opportunity to work in the operations team managing different platforms
What I worked on:
- Incident resolution for clients, using Jira tickets. Stability of the platforms and servers
- Healthy checks for the platforms and automation for failover
- Process automation and scripting to solve little issues
- Problem analysis and scalation to the different internal teams if needed
- In this role I received an award for Outstanding SLA achievement and worked in transversal teams
What I learnt
- Soft skills
- Client handling
- Proactivity
- OTA protocols
- eSim
- Server management
- Troubleshooting
Udemy courses
I have found these courses to be a perfect, different way to learn new skills
What courses have I taken:
- Technology: Zabbix, AWS Certification, Cellular Networds, Docker Swarm, Wireshark, AWS VPC, Git, Ansible, Quicksight, Power Bi, PostgreSQL
- Soft skills: Manejo de emociones, Ask better questions, Time and task management
- Others: Value investing, German for beginners
I am going to have a separate page talking a little bit about each one
Software and services intership (2021-2022)
For almost a year I had an intership in this company, it was the perfect oportunity for me to get into a real company to do serious work.
What have worked on:
- Bussiness intelligence: with Quicksight and other tools
- Tasks automation: developing software based solutions as little applications and configuring services for higher integration and automation
What I learnt
- Teamwork
- Time management
- Innovation
- Quicksight
- Power Bi
- Jira Managment
This organization uses mostly google services, and private chat applications. In this committee we are trying to self host the services we use
What are we managing:
- Professionally managed nextcloud REASONS TO USE NEXTCLOUD IN YOUR ORGANIZATION
- Professionally managed wordpress
What I learnt
- Professional docker management
- Professional caddy management
- Portainer
- Critical services management
I try to host and use my own servers, not only to get some degree of independence from big tech companies such as google but also to learn a lot in the proccess!
What Servers do I successfully run:
- I was using Nextcloud to store my files, but now I use Filebrowser, which is a more efficient software for that task
- Bitwarden, which is my own password manager
- Caddy, which is a "web server" that I use as proxy for my services, my web is one of those
Coming soon...
- Coming soon in my blog, I will talk more about this topic as I have a lot of things to say
What I learnt
- high availability
- containers
- microservices architecture
- docker
- Huge reaserch skills
- Server managing
- Open source teamwork skills
Helping university during COVID-19
The university has been forced to adopt an online-focused model and we are solving as much problems as we can with this platform
- The goal here is to answer the questions of other university members that have doubts about the usage of some tool or need help with some tech-related aspect
- Up to this moment, there are 100 people among which there are students, teachers, and others who are helping in this initiative, and it is being rather a success I would say!
- I participated in the ellaboration of a guide to help dealing with connectivity issues in online exams! SEE THE DOCUMENT
- We received a tribute from the university for our services. I went to this act (not as the representative though) SEE THE VIDEO
What I learnt
- Problem solving
- Dealing with all sorts of people
- Solidarity
I participated in CoreWarUCM 2020
This contest consisted of developing a program in a specific assembly lanaguage (redcode) that could won against the ones developed by other people. Winning is achieved by either consuming the whole memory or killing th other.
- I learned a new programming language and strategies for this game that could be applied to real world attacks
- I didnt spend that much time developing it and the level was very high so I didnt end up in a very good position, but everyone won that day, the organistation made sure of it
- Spoiler alert: I participated again the next year and did much better
Technologies used:
- Assembly/redcode
- Virus strategies knowledge
I participated in Ada Byron 2020
This is a competitive programming contest, which consisted of several phases (we passed the first one at our university classification). It is carried out by teams of 3, and the goal is to solve the most problems efficiently enough in the least time possible. We ended up in third place but could have done better. Though it turned out to be a great experience meeting all that people.
The work was done, we had trained all we could and it was the day to show it off. We worked together to do the best.
Technologies used:
- C++
- Environment setup in Windows for competitive programming
- Team work
- Competitive programming skills
Skills & Tools
Servers "Devops"
Docker (microservices)
High availability
Disaster recovery
OS dev & research
Kernel dev & research
Free Software & Open Source
Minimalist programs & lighweight setups
Scripting & automation
General knowledge on programming languages & skills
Low (c, assembly, vhdl)
Web dev (front & back)
Commercial apps
- Git
- LaTeX
- Hardware
- Math
- Fast typing
- Vim
Computer science degreeUniversidad Complutense de Madrid2018-2024
CS50X course2022
Programacion ComptetitivaUniversidad Complutense de Madrid2019-2020
Basix Latex CourseUCM by OTEA2020
La economia en 15 lecciones2021
Outstanding SLA AchievementI received this award working as Support Engineer in Valid for being the best performer on terms of achieving the SLA and ticket resolution
Las 12 Uvas1st place in this competitive programming constest, year 2018 category Alumnos UCM de primero
Ada Byron3rd place in this competitive programming constest, year 2019 category Segundo.
Institutions (private)
Institutions (public)
Head of the student representatives in the board of the departmentsStudent representative in the board of dacya2020-(until the end of 2021)
Active collaborator2020-
Active collaborator & vocal2018-2019
Ocasional collaborator2018-
- Spanish (Native)
- English Second language
- German Begginer